
The NASP–New York Legislative Committee held its Town Hall Meeting on August 4, 2010 at the Battery Gardens Restaurant in New York City. This well attended event began with a Legislative Update facilitated by Cheryl Marrow, Chair of the NASP–New York Legislative Committe and Donna Simms Wilson, President of M.R. Beal & Company

Featured were the following topics:
  • "What is the New Definition of Emerging Managers?," moderated by Donald Mullins, Jr., Vice President of Attucks Asset Management, with panelists Lillian Jones, Founder of Artemis Global Partners LLC, Michelle Morris, Vice President, Morgan Stanley and Tina Byles–Williams, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Investment Officer of FIS Group.

  • "Financial Reform: What is the Impact to Yoiur Business," moderated by Clarence G. Williams, Head of Transitions Management at Guzman & Company; with panelists Pamela S. Roberson, Partner of Edwards Angell Palmer & Dodge LLP and Eliott M. Roman, Managing Parner of Direct Access Parnters.

  • "The State of the Industry-Part II," with guest speaker, Paul T. Williams, Jr. President of Dormitory Authority of the State of New York, with introduction made by Patricia Stryker, Recording Secretary, Interational Brotherhood of Teamsters – Local 237 and Trustee of NYCERS

Links of Interest

White House National Conference of
State Legislatures
International Foundation for
Employee Benefit Plans
Office of Homeland Security New York State National Association of State Treasurers
Executive Branch New York State Assembly Significant Legislation National Association of State
Auditors, Comptrollers and
U.S. Department of the
New York State Senate National Association of State Retirement Administrators
Securities & Exchange Commission New Jersey State National Association of State Chief Information Officers
Judicial Branch – U.S. Courts New Jersey Legislature National Conference on Public Employees™ Retirement System
Legislative Branch – U.S. Congress
National Conference on Teacher Retirement
U.S. Senate, 107th Congress New York City Council
U.S. House of
Representatives, 107th Congress, 2nd session
  Newspapers Around the Country

Library of Congress

The Legislative Committee was formed in 2002 and is comprised of members of NASP-NY. It is open to all members of NASP-NY. The purpose of the Legislative Committee is to keep
NASP-NY members abreast of policies and decisions being made on the Federal, State and Local level that impact the financial services industry. 

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